Like some creators, I have an anthology story based on known superhero IPs. There are successful homages like Astro City. Some are deconstruction stories like Jupiter’s Legacy.

My homage to famous character help supply a background or context to components of my stories. I have referenced a Multiverse in my stories. I have a chart of different “Earths” at This Medium account will be where I flesh out the homage Earth. I simply do not have time to illustrate this story.

I know I am not breaking any new ground here. This blog is writing exercise, to be honest. I’m a terrible writer. My goal is to be an okay writer after this. Or I’ll get worse, who knows.

Sidenote, I use the Greek Alphabet because of the character Zetaman. 24 characters for 24 Earths. This is the structure of my multiverse thread or collective. This concept is similar to Grant Morrison’s 52 Earths for DC Comics —

The “Superman” architype in my homage is Hero, or Big Hero. I intend to borrow from the Superman mythos and the Doc Savage mythos. The “Batman” architype will be a mix of Batman and The Shadow. I don’t know what I want to do with the Wonder Woman architype.

In my writing “sketches” I’ve placed the DC Comic parodies as the heroes of WWII. The Marvel parodies I want to place during the late 50’s early 60’s. Then go from there.

I’m not going to write a lot of character interaction. This story will be narration. If I have an idea, then I’ll write some stuff. But I would not expect a lot of character development.


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Creator of Totally Naked Man ( and McSchluberson ( Web Developer and Designer. Pronouns: His, him, he

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